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Student Alix Pimentel Interning at Film Production Company Level Forward

After changing majors from Merchandise Product Development to Merchandising & Marketing, student Alix Pimentel has renewed energy and focus. She is currently interning in social media at film production company Level Forward, formed in part by Abigail Disney (granddaughter of Walt Disney Co. co-founder Roy Disney). "Alix is a great example of what can happen for any student who is determined to succeed,“ said FIDM Student Advisor Diane Combes. We caught up with the enterprising student to find out more about her FIDM journey.

Where were you born and raised? Albany County, New York, in a tiny city called Cohoes.

How did you hear about FIDM? I heard about FIDM through my vocational fashion program in high school during my junior year. I wanted to come to FIDM because the school has very centralized departments and was a place I knew I could express my creativity and be close to the industry.

How are you enjoying your new major and what do you like about it? My current major is Merchandising & Marketing. It’s a better fit for me because I’m able to still use my creativity and have business structure as well. It's also versatile in that you can use your skills in any industry.  

What have been some of your favorite FIDM memories so far? Personally my favorite memories are from the end of finals when you get to step back and take pride in all the work you just did. The support system and family [FIDM] has given me is such a gift. FIDM isn’t just a fashion school, it’s how you use the resources they offer you, and how fearless you are when it comes to getting out of your comfort zone. 

Tell us about any internships or jobs you've had while at FIDM: I currently am a social media coordinator intern at a start-up film production company called Level Forward. The company was formed in 2018 through a partnership with Killer Content and Abigail Disney, and their goal is to create inclusion in the entertainment industry and give a voice to storytellers and creators who haven’t had equal opportunity in the industry.

We are celebrating our first year birthday at the Sundance Film Festival this year. The team is beyond incredible and it has been such a blessing working for them. They are changing the bad habits the entertainment industry has and it’s really cool to be apart of it.

What are your career goals? I have a lot of things that I want to do, but my ultimate career goal is to be a creative director/producer. I want to create content that has cause in mind and and has an impact on the greater good.

Categories:  Merchandising & Marketing Los Angeles Campus Student